The activity of the plan supervisor is in accordance with the 9.§ of the 290/2007. (X.31.) Government decree (ÉKR) on the construction activities, the building log and the documentation of the construction, and the 1.§ and the 6th paragraph of the 9.§ of the 104/2006. (IV.28.) Government decree on regulations of the eligibilities of the community planning, architecture-technical planning and the building technical expertise.
The independent plan supervision is in accordance with the 2nd paragraph of the 33. § of the LXXVIII. Act (ÉTV) of 1997 on the supervision of the requirements of the documentation of the construction about the planning and protection of the built environment. This process is to be performed compulsory in the cases listed under the 1st paragraph of the 9.§ of the ÉKR.
Besides the cases regulated by law listed above we undertake the independent structure supervision of any structure plan documentations in the field of structure planning.
The countersignature of the activity of the structure plan supervisor is due in accordance with the T-T-Tell/07-0026 eligibility resolution of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers and valid until 20.01.2016.
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