Construction of Stage/Podium of Tool Manufacture, Székesfehérvár
2015. January
Static detailed desing of reinforced concrete foundation slab and steel bearing structures of construction of stage/podium of tool manufacture
Renovation of Industrial Hangar, Nyergesújfalu
2014. November
Comprehensive structural review of existing industrial buildings, new structural design of the structure watertight floor
Portal Crane Track Expansion, Budapest Szabadkikötő (Budapest Free Port)
2014. September
Structural detailed design of rail transformation and extension of 35 ton capacity port portal crane
Examination of the roof of the Bishop's Palace, Székesfehérvár
2014. June
Structural expertise works of wood slab and roof system of the Bishop's Palace
Construction of Outdoor Cable Housing System
2014. March
Structural design of supporting structure and foundations of outdoor electrical wiring system
SMS Profile Press Installment, Székesfehérvár
2014. February
Static detailed design of foundation, cable chamber system and technological steel structural system of the aluminium profile pressing machine
Construction of a Three-Bayed Industrial Hangar, Székesfehérvár
2013. December
Architectural and static design of three-bayed, craned, precast concrete industrial hangar
Incorporation of ARISA 630T pressing machine
2013. January
Survey of existing pressing machnine foundation, static detailed design of new foundation, technical supervision of construction
Static expertise for gantry beams
2012. October
Non-Destructive testing and static control for special lifting beams
Espansion of Logistics warehouses with deep cooling areas
2012. August
Static supervision of structures of Logistics warehouse
Reconstruction of the P3 Building, Székesfehérvár
2012. April
Static expertise of reconstructing P3 Building
Foundation of Machine tool, Székesfehérvár
2011. July
Static design of the monolith reinforced concrete foundation of an 85 t machine tool
Reinforced concrete system of keeping track foundry, Székesfehérvár
2011. July
Static design of the reinforced concrete log system of the a charging equipment
Foundation of a Logistic Hangar, Baj
2011. June
Static design of the reinforced concrete foundation of a logistic hangar
Two bays craned industrial hall
2011. March
Two bays reinforced concrete industrial hall
Structural design of pile foundation
Construction of engineering structures, Nagykáta
2010. October
Static design of the construction of engineering structures
Construction of structures of big advertising boards
2010. October
Structural project supervision and technical engineering of structures of big advertising boards
Construction of residential building, Balatonkenese
2010. July
Structure design and chief structural engineering of a residential building
Covering construction of an outside crane track
2010. June
Expertise documentation and static design of a covering construction of an outside crane track
Mezőszentgyörgy, Construction of Elementary School
2009. December
Plan supervision of the static structures of the Elementary School
Isaszeg, Construction of Elementary School
2009. August
Modification of the plans of the Structures of the Elementary School
DUNAPACK Zrt., Csepel, modification of inner system utilities
2009. July
Supervision of the modification of the planned sewage and drain system of the inner part of the industrial site
DUNAPACK Zrt., Csepel, Construction of Energy Center
2009. June
Static design and Chief structural engineering of the construction of energy center
LIDL Szigetszentmiklós, Construction of Logistics warehouse
2008. October
Static supervision of structures of Logistics warehouse
VT HOLDING Zrt., Törökszentmiklós, Foundation of Pressing Machines
2008. October
Static design of 400 t and 500 t pressing machines
LIDL supermarkets
2008. September
Modification of the plans of wooden roof structures of the Hungarian Lidl supermarkets to steel structures
STORA ENSO machine bases
2008. May
Static design of machine bases for industrial printing machines
STORA ENSO Boiler Podium
2008. May
Design of Podium structures reinforcing the steam tanks in the steam-boiler Building Block
Hammerstein wind grid replacement
2007. December
Static design of the replacement of the wind grids of the steel structures into wind frames