Due to the economic changes in the world, the possible renovation and reconstruction of the 50, 100 year-old buildings and constructions came to limelight. In case of the old buildings the architectural design documentation is missing in most cases. Not to mention the structural design documentation which is almost always missing or only partly available. 

In accordance with the tranformation, evaluation of the utilization of the structures and the rentability of the transformation it is essential to be aware of the the geometric circumstances, the quality and standard of the materials of the structure.These are to be performed within the framework of an on-site examination. This way we can avoid the over- or underestimation of the carrying capacity of the structures both of which may result in causeless costs and risks.

Our company provides the site Nondestructive Testing of the materilas of the existing structures for Investors, Designers, Experts and Technical Supervisors:
  • Definition of the concrete-hardness with PROCEQ Schmidt test hammer
  • Position of concrete reinforcement, concrete foldings/coverage, definition of the diameter with PROCEQ Profometer 5 cover meter device
  • Measurement of crack height with mircoscope
  • Definition of the concrete reinforcement with TH-160 hardness tester
  • Measurement of the steal-structures of inaccessible wall thickness with DeFelsko UTG Ultrasonic Thickness gage
  • Measurement of the coating of the steal-structures with DeFelsko Positector 6000 coating thikness gage
  • Definition of the hardness of the Structural steal and fasteners with TH hardness tester

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